“Lux in terra est” solo show in 7MQ gallery Project of Laboratorium Art gallery Ferrara 11th January – 4th Fabruary 2023
“Lux in terra est” is the title of the installation art work by the Artist Sara Dell’Onze invokes a nature of man unknown to many, relegated to a world mocked and crushed by the culture of materialism and consumerism of living in detriment of what man holds most sacred. In a decline of customs and culture, Art rediscovers itself as a protagonist again and from the purified ashes an authentic and immaculate nature is reborn where candor is the surface and the miracle is a sign. The miracle that only man can perform is manifest in the highest of his faculties. The miracle that creates the work of art.
“Lux in terra est e’’ Il titolo dell’opera d’arte installativa dell’ Artista Sara Dell’Onze invoca una natura dell’uomo disconosciuta a molti, relegata in un mondo derisa e schiacciata dalla cultura del materialismo e del consumismo del vivere a scapito di quello che l’uomo ha di più sacro. In un declino dei costumi e della cultura l’Arte si riscopre di nuovo protagonista e dalle ceneri rinasce purificata una natura autentica e immacolata dove il candore e’ superficie e il miracolo segno. Il miracolo che solo l’uomo sa compiere e’manifesto nella più alta delle sue facolta’ Il miracolo che crea l’ opera d’arte .
Presented by Giorgio Cattani and Francesca Boari at 7MQ of Laboratorium Art Gallery.
The work linked with qrcode to the Installation is at Villa Gulinelli Ferrara.
For more info contact Laboratorium Art Gallery at 3393488722509